Thursday 1 January 1970

Landing Page - NIS Directive

This is not a blogpost, which is why it appears to be published on Unix Epoch.

Here are my occasionally-updated notes on the NIS Directive and the other legislation in the growing family. Why keep private notes when all the world can keep them backed up for me?

What Is It? This is about attacks on the computers in key infrastructure such as water and energy. And... a very large number of internet apps.

Legal text of the NIS Directive, all languages.

EU general information on the NIS Directive.

This is a small piece of legislation and is mostly aimed at harmonising standards and getting national security bodies up to speed. However it also has some legal detail on precisely who these standards apply to (on a per-country basis) and the mandatory nature of security responses, and whether it is about vulnerability or actual incidents, and if incidents, how big an incident is expected to be.

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